Reflection Canyon: A ‘Gems of the American Southwest’ Kind of Spot

Located in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area is the beautiful and relatively unknown Reflection Canyon in the American Southwest. This wonder of nature has smooth, winding contours, brightly painted in various hues of sandstone, and the crystal-clear waters of the Powell reservoir washing the shores. Even though it is a stunning location, Reflection Canyon is still not very popular, and only true explorers and photographers can get there. This article will give a detailed description of the mysterious beauty of Reflection Canyon and the difficulties of getting there, and the effects that this place has on the people who visit it.

Geological wonder of the Colorado Plateau
The Colorado Plateau is famous for its outstanding natural sculptures, and Reflection Canyon is one of the most beautiful examples of how the earth has been shaped for millions of years. The peculiarities of the canyon’s shape, including curves and arches, are attributed to the processes of erosion and sedimentation, mainly due to the actions of the Colorado River. The combination of water and rocks over time has created a beautiful and complex area with beautiful layers of Navajo Sandstone that was formed in the Jurassic age.

The formation of Lake Powell
The landscape of Reflection Canyon is even more striking due to the presence of Lake Powell which is a man-made reservoir created by the construction of the Glen Canyon Dam across the Colorado River in the 1960s. The formation of the lake involved flooding of Glen Canyon; this led to the submerging of many canyons including Reflection Canyon and thus the combining of rock and water as seen today. This transformation has led to the development of a beautiful scenery that varies with the water levels, thus a constantly changing scenery.

A Journey to Remember
Getting to Reflection Canyon is not for the faint hearted. Unlike other general national parks and monuments, this area is quite out of the way and you will need to plan for it.

Reflection Canyon, and Other Areal Attributes of the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area contains many other stunning sites including the very famous Reflection Canyon. There are infinite opportunities for outdoor recreation, which means that beside the boating and the fishing on the Lake Powell tourists can explore other less popular canyons and go hiking. You might be interested to know that there are a lot more to reflect at this haven and a great way to do this can be to reflect on the various facets of this great place and what else surround it.

It has been established that Leave No Trace principles are very crucial for the preservation of the environment.
As the area surrounding Reflection Canyon is quite sensitive, it is imperative that one has to avoid littering and other such practices associated with the ‘Leave No Trace’ policy . This encompasses carrying out all trash, reducing campfire effects, not disturbing wildlife, and not making new trails. Enjoying the natural beauty of the Grand Canyon is not a sin if people follow these simple guiding principles to keep the damaged area unchanged for the future generations.

In this context, this paper aims to examine the contribution of technology in the contemporary process of exploration.
Now a day’s advanced technology has facilitated the geeks to travel to such remote areas as Reflection Canyon. Other information services which include GPS devices, satellite phones and any other sources on the internet are very useful for planning and other physical navigation.

Reflection Canyon, and Other Areal Attributes of the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area contains many other stunning sites including the very famous Reflection Canyon. There are infinite opportunities for outdoor recreation, which means that beside the boating and the fishing on the Lake Powell tourists can explore other less popular canyons and go hiking. You might be interested to know that there are a lot more to reflect at this haven and a great way to do this can be to reflect on the various facets of this great place and what else surround it.

It has been established that Leave No Trace principles are very crucial for the preservation of the environment.
As the area surrounding Reflection Canyon is quite sensitive, it is imperative that one has to avoid littering and other such practices associated with the ‘Leave No Trace’ policy . This encompasses carrying out all trash, reducing campfire effects, not disturbing wildlife, and not making new trails. Enjoying the natural beauty of the Grand Canyon is not a sin if people follow these simple guiding principles to keep the damaged area unchanged for the future generations.

In this context, this paper aims to examine the contribution of technology in the contemporary process of exploration.
Now a day’s advanced technology has facilitated the geeks to travel to such remote areas as Reflection Canyon. Other information services which include GPS devices, satellite phones and any other sources on the internet are very useful for planning and other physical navigation.